Thursday, 31 October 2013

Issue 18.2 of the Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies has now been published and is available online. The issue includes the following articles and book reviews.


*Business and Terror in Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities
Lynn Shakinovsky
*Home Baked: Dickens's English Muffins and Corporate Characters
Susan Elizabeth Cook
*The English Warner Brother triumphs over religious hegemony on the road to celebrity and dynasty.
Ann Lazarsfeld-Jensen

Book Reviews:

*Science, Sexuality and Sensation Novels: Pleasures of the Senses (rev.)
Heidi Logan
*Picturing Scotland through the Waverley Novels: Walter Scott and the Origins of the Victorian Illustrated Novel (rev.)
Josef Alton Olson
*Robert Louis Stevenson in the Pacific: Travel, Empire, and the Author’s Profession (rev.)
Karen McLean
*British Colonial Realism in Africa: Inalienable Objects, Contested Domains (rev.)
Hamish Dalley
*The Camera as Historian: Amateur Photographers and Historical Imagination, 1885-1918 (rev.)
Fiona Paisley

Monday, 28 October 2013

REMINDER: CfP AVSA 2014, 'Victorian Transport', Hong Kong (Deadline 30/11/13)

William Powell Frith, The Railway Station (1862). Royal Holloway College, London.

Australasian Victorian Studies Association Annual Conference

'Victorian Transport', Hong Kong, 10-12 July 2014

The Victorian Age is one of mobility and of transportation: goods, people and money were transported within Great Britain, across Europe, and to the far reaches of Empire. Ideas – whether economic, political, educational, religious or philosophical – were imported and exported. And far from being unemotional, the Victorians were also regularly ‘transported’ by emotions which doctors, scientists and psychologists tried to theorise.

This conference seeks to redefine the parameters of transport through inter-disciplinary approaches to material, metaphorical and metaphysical journeys during the Victorian era. Papers on global crossings are particularly welcome.

Keynote speakers: 
James Buzard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Stephen Davies (Hong Kong Maritime Museum)
Josephine McDonagh (King’s College, London)
Peter McNeil (University of Technology, Sydney)

Topics might include but are not limited to:
* Transporting people, transporting goods
* Modes of Transportation
* Intellectual transport
* Trade and trafficking
* Penal colonies
* Theorising ‘transport’
* Theories of the emotions
* Women and transport
* Transport, its politics and policies
* Transatlantic and Transpacific transportation
* Transference and the subconscious
* Dreams and Telepathy
* Transporting and translating literature abroad
* Transport hubs/ urban development
* Speed
* Transportive music
* Landscape and environment
* Immobility
* Time Travel
* Neo-Victorian Transport

A special section of the conference calls for papers on Victorian Transport related to China and the ‘China-West’ axis. Please signal in your application whether you would like your paper to be considered for inclusion in any of these ‘China’ or ‘China-West’ panels.

Five postgraduate travel bursaries (also applicable to SWIFs) will be awarded by the Conference Committee, on the basis of need and merit. Please include a short covering letter and cv in your application for such funding.

Abstracts of up to 300 words, together with your biodata (ca. 100-150 words), should be sent to: 
Deadline for Abstracts: 30 November 2013. Notification by end-January 2014.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

CfP: "Victorian Treasures and Trash", VPFA (Deadline 4/4/14)

The Victorian Popular Fiction Association
CFP: Victorian Treasures and Trash
6th Annual Conference, 8-10 July 2014
Institute of English Studies, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Keynote Speaker: Dr Jonathon Shears (Keele), ‘“[...] battered [...] soiled [...] broken [...] empty [...] half-smoked [...] stale”: The Hangover in Victorian Popular Fiction’.

Guest Speaker: Judith Flanders, ‘Painting Reality: Home vs. Home-ness’

Senate Library Special Collections Talk and ‘hands-on’ mini-exhibition: Dr Karen Attar, ‘Trash, Treasure or Trashy Treasure at the Institutional Library’.

The Victorian Popular Fiction Association conference is recognised as an important event on the annual conference circuit and offers a friendly and invigorating opportunity for established academics and post graduate students to share their current research. We remain committed to the revival of interest in understudied popular writers which is pivotal to the reputation this conference has established.  

The organisers invite a broad, imaginative and interdisciplinary interpretation of the topic and its relation to any aspect of Victorian popular literature and culture which might address literal or metaphorical representations of the theme.

We welcome proposals for 20 minute papers, or for panels of three papers, on topics which can include, but are not limited to:

*Treasures and Trash in: the home, the street, the store, the library, the gutter, the island, the workhouse, the factory, etc.
*Print culture and the literary marketplace: ‘trash’ fiction, high/low culture, taste, fashion, rarity, cheap editions, fine editions, ‘specials’, royalties, contracts, collectors, etc.
*Treasure: buried, hoarded, displayed, collected, traded, neglected, etc.
*Waste: scrap/s, refuse, recycling, reclamation, that which is/those who are discarded/unwanted, the abandoned, etc.
*Dirt: gossip, scandal, degeneracy, decay, cleanliness, healthfulness, godliness, etc.
*Trashed: defaced, vandalised, wasted, defamed, scandalised, denounced, drunk, drugged, etc.
*Industry: the ethics of production, craftsmanship, the cheap, the mass-produced, etc.
*Money: markets, debts/debtors, savings, shares, inheritances, ransoms, fortunes, etc.
*Papers and artefacts: archives, special collections, the museum, the preserved, the priceless, the lost, digitised treasures, etc.
*The Beloved: persons, possessions, memories, moments, etc.
*Values: validity, value/worth, cost, price, morals, family values, etc.
*Things: junk, clutter, paraphernalia, bric-a-brac, curiosities, trinkets, tokens/keepsakes, troves, etc.
*People: fortune-hunters, gold-diggers, prospectors, speculators, pirates, con-artists, thieves, beggars, prostitutes, consumers, etc.

Special author panels: This year we will schedule special panels to be hosted by guest experts on each of six key popular authors; therefore we especially welcome papers about the following authors:

Mary Elizabeth Braddon (hosted by Anne-Marie Beller)
Wilkie Collins (hosted by Mariaconcetta Constantini)
Marie Corelli (hosted by Nickianne Moody)
Florence Marryat (hosted by Greta Depledge)
Ouida (hosted by Jane Jordan and Andrew King)
Robert Louis Stevenson (hosted by Sara Clayson)

Other suggested authors/papers in previous years have also discussed authors such as:
J. M. Barrie | Mrs Beeton | Anne Brontë | Charlotte Brontë | Emily Brontë | Rhoda Broughton | Lewis Carroll | Mary Cholmondeley | Arthur Conan Doyle | Charles Dickens | George Eliot | Elizabeth Gaskell |
George Gissing | Thomas Hardy | Jerome K. Jerome | Rudyard Kipling | Eliza Lynn Linton | Edith Nesbit |
Margaret Oliphant | Dinah Craik | Olive Schreiner | Bram Stoker | William Makepeace Thackeray | Anthony Trollope | Mary Augusta Ward | H.G. Wells | Ellen Wood | Charlotte Yonge

Please send proposals of no more than 300 words to Drs. Kirsty Bunting, Janine Hatter and Helena Ifill at

Deadline for proposals: Friday 4th April 2014

Organisers will offer acceptances in the days following the 18th April 2014.

The VPFA 2014 conference website can be found here: and conference registration details will be announced shortly. All speakers must be a member of VPFA to present. To become a member, please visit the website or email for a membership form.

Meanwhile you can meet delegates and hear the latest conference news on the VPFA Facebook page: and through the twitter account @VPFA1. Also, you can follow the conference discussions using the hashtag #VPFA14.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

CfP: BAVS 2014, 'Victorian Sustainability' (proposal deadline 31/3/14)

Victorian Sustainability, British Association of Victorian Studies conference
University of Kent, Canterbury 
September 4-6, 2014

Call for Papers

From emerging ideas about the perils of environmental degradation to the establishment of the National Trust, the concept of sustainability began to take on a new importance in the Victorian period that remains relevant in 21-st century modernity. We welcome proposals which address any aspect of Victorian sustainability and especially encourage interdisciplinary approaches.

Topics may include but are not limited to:
- Victorian nature writing and/or discourses of nature and science
- Heritage and preservation (of built environments, natural landscapes, species, material cultures)
- Climate change and the Victorians
- Sustenance and sustainability
- Victorian discourses of emotional/psychological sustainability or wellbeing
- Eco-criticism and environmental aesthetics in Victorian literature
- Sustaining the Victorians (literary and/or cultural legacies)
- ‘Green imperialism’ and/or colonial sustainability
- The emergence of self-sufficiency and sustainable ways of life in the Victorian period
- Waste/pollution vs. recycling/renewal in urban and industrial contexts
- Narratives of catastrophe, risk, decay or crisis in the Victorian period
- Representations of growth, flourishing and/or transformation in Victorian literature and culture
- Social ecology and the relation between human and non-human in the Victorian period
- Victorian pastoral and/or the legacy of Romanticism
- The sustainability of Victorian Studies

Proposals (300 words max.) are due by March 31, 2014, and should be sent to Panel proposals (comprised of 3 paper proposals, plus an additional 300 words explaining how the papers are linked in addressing the theme) are also welcome.

The 2014 BAVS conference will be hosted by the new Centre for Victorian Literature and Culture at the University of Kent, Canterbury. Any inquiries about the Centre or the conference may be sent to the Centre Director, Professor Wendy Parkins at

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Journal Announcement: Colonial Girlhood Special Issue of the Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies

Issue 18.1 of the Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies has been published. This special issue, guest edited by Kristine Moruzi and Michelle J. Smith, focuses on the theme of Colonial Girlhood. All AJVS articles and book reviews are freely available on the journal site.

* Colonial Girlhood - Kristine Moruzi and Michelle J. Smith
* Girlhood in Transition: Girls’ Shipboard Diaries on Journeys to New Zealand, 1879-1881- Lilja Sautter
* The Disruption Of Fairyland: “Fairies Had Never Known How To Cry Until Then” - Anita Callaway
* She Rides Astride: Mateship, Morality and the Outback-Colonial Girl - Caroline Campbell
* From Victorian Accomplishment to Modern Profession: Elocution Takes Judith Anderson, Sylvia Bremer and Dorothy Cumming to Hollywood, 1912-1918 - Desley Deacon
* “These forces are in our midst”: YWCA “Girls” and Challenges of Transnationalism Between the Wars -
Ellen Warne

Book Reviews
*Genteel Women: Empire and Domestic Material Culture, 1840-1910 - Erin Atchison
*White Mother to a Dark Race: Settler Colonialism, Maternalism, and the Removal of Indigenous Children in the American West and Australia, 1880-1940 - Desley Deacon
* X Marks the Spot: Women Writers Map the Empire for British Children, 1790–1895 - Ruth Feingold
* Westward Bound: Sex, Violence, the Law, and the Making of a Settler Society - Laura Ishiguro
* A Sisterhood of Suffering and Service: Women and Girls of Canada and Newfoundland During the First World War - Jan Noel