Tuesday, 23 February 2016

CFP: Special Edition of AJVS: Pre-Raphaelitism in Australasia (abstracts due 29 Feb 2016)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Paolo and Francesca
da Rimini
1867. National Gallery of Victoria,
CFP – Special Edition of AJVS: Pre-Raphaelitism in Australasia 

The Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies is pleased to announce a Special Issue on ‘Pre-Raphaelitism in Australasia’ to be published in late 2016. Inspired by Medieval Moderns: The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Exhibition and Symposium at the National Gallery of Victoria in July 2015, this Special Issue invites papers from both the Symposium and others conducting research in this field.

Australasian collections of Pre-Raphaelite works are now recognised by the wider international community as integral to the understanding of the movement. The NGV’s rich holdings are especially renowned as they include many important works by Edward Burne-Jones, William Holman Hunt, Ford Madox Brown, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais and others.

In addition to important holdings of major British Pre-Raphaelite works, there is an increasingly well-documented body of Australasian artists and writers who knew, worked with and were inspired by the Pre-Raphaelites.  Publication of new work in this field will enhance understandings of how the concepts, techniques and ideals of Pre-Raphaelitism were interpreted and developed in the colonies.

To that end, we invite papers exploring the visual culture, literary, or historical aspects of Pre-Raphaelitism or the related Arts and Crafts movement in Australasia. Papers should be 5-7,000 words in length, and we strongly encourage illustrations, although authors will need to arrange permissions themselves and provide documentation to the editors.

The special issue is being guest-edited by Alison Inglis and Nancy Langham-Hooper together with AJVS editor Meg Tasker, and will be published on the open-access Online Journal System hosted by Sydney e-Scholarships Publishing. http://openjournals.library.usyd.edu.au/index.php/AJVS.

Contributors are invited to send an abstract of 250-300 words to preraphaelites2016ajvs@gmail.com by 29 February 2016.  Full papers will be due by 4 April, and must be submitted online, with abstract. New users will need to create a login and password at: http://openjournals.library.usyd.edu.au/index.php/AJVS/login

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Call for Chapters: International Migrations in the Victorian Era (Ed. Marie Ruiz) [Abstracts due 1 April 2016]

Call for Chapters: International Migrations in the Victorian Era, Leiden: Brill, 2017.
Edited by Marie Ruiz (Université Paris Diderot, LARCA)

Migration in the Victorian era has been identified as a paramount feature of the history of worldwide migrations and diasporas. Contrary to popular belief, the Victorian era was not only marked by an
extensive exodus from Britain to the USA and the British colonies, but the Victorians also experienced a great degree of inward migration with the arrival of Catholic Irish, and oppressed Jews and Germans among others. Inward, outward and internal movements were sometimes a  response to economic hardships and employment opportunities, but this  cannot solely explain the extent of international migrations in the Victorian era.

In the Victorian period, mass migration played a significant role in shaping the nation’s identity, as well as Britain’s relationships with the outside world. This raises the question of the impact of migrations on the Motherland, as the Victorian migration trends also attracted numerous immigrants and transmigrants, who ended up remaining in Britain rather than emigrating to the USA or the British colonies. Yet, while the origins of these immigrants and transmigrants are now difficult to trace, the question of their potential impact on
the Victorian society needs to be addressed. Fears of racial degeneracy permeated the Victorian discourses on migration, and demographic and social balances were expected to be reached through people's displacements.

This edited volume aims at offering a global perspective on international migrations in the Victorian era including emigration, immigration and internal migration within Britain. Papers relating to the following themes, though not exclusively, are welcome:

Child migration
Civilising missions
Community migrations
Cultural and artistic migrations
Emigration and philanthropy
Emigration and Trade-Unions
Emigration societies
Factors determining migration
Family migration and individual migration
Female migrants and reproductive labour
Female migration in the Victorian era
Forced migration
Free passages to the New Worlds
Impact of demographics on migration
Impact of industrialisation on migration
Indentured migration
Internal migration / rural exodus
Invisible migrants
Inward migration/outward migration
Labour transportation
Land grants
Middle-class migration
Migrant stories and diaries
Migration and Empire-building
Migration and patriotism
Migration and surplus populations
Migration in the press
Migration and the Transport Revolution
Migration and xenophobia
Migration in the visual arts
Migration on screen: representing Victorian migration
Migration regulations and public policies
Migration within the British Isles
Missions and missionaries
Networks of migrations
Patterns of migration
Ports of emigration
Poverty-related migration
Promoting migration
Religious migration
Seasonal and permanent migrations
Servitude migration
Settlement patterns
Trade migration
Transmigration through Britain
Voluntary migration / involuntary migration

350-word abstracts, along with short academic biographies, should be  submitted to mariejruiz@yahoo.fr. The deadline for submission of abstracts is April 1, 2016.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Deadline extension: AVSA 2016, "Victorian Margins", 7-9 July 2016 (17 Feb 2016)

Extended deadline: Call for papers: AVSA 2016, "Victorian Margins",  Ballarat, Victoria, 7-9 July 2016 (Abstracts now due 17 Feb 2016)
Keynote speaker:  Prof. Joseph Bristow (UCLA)

In 2016, AVSA will join the Australasian Historical Association conference in Ballarat from 5-8 July, with a stream of AVSA papers and Keynote scheduled on 7-8 July, and a program of local sightseeing on Sat 9 July.  This is a welcome opportunity to connect with Australasian colleagues in history with shared interests in the long 19th century, and for AVSA members to visit one of Australia's finest Victorian cities. The conference will be held in Ballarat's historical precinct.  Delegates may wish to allow time to explore local sites such as the Ballarat Mechanics' Institute's extensive library of 19th-century books, periodicals and newspapers.

AVSA's Keynote Speaker will be Professor Joseph Bristow (UCLA), on “Homosexual Blackmail in the 1890s,” drawing on research for his new study of Oscar Wilde’s two criminal trials.
Papers (20 minutes) or panel proposals (2-3 papers) are invited on the AVSA conference theme ‘Victorian Margins’ – some possible angles include:

geographic margins (in the UK; in the Empire; elsewhere)
marginalised groups (marginalised by ethnicity; class; sexuality; region; nationality)
temporal margins (1830s; fin de siecle)
marginalised forms of culture
economic margins (profits and losses; costs and benefits)
margins as gaps
margins as liminal spaces
marginal values
margins and centres

The AVSA stream committee welcomes papers relating to Victorian Margins from any discipline in the humanities. Proposals consisting of an abstract (400 words), together with a brief author bio/note of affiliation (particularly for postgraduates) , should be submitted to Meg Tasker m.tasker@federation.edu.au by 17 February 2016.

Those who would like to have their papers considered for an issue of the Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies on the theme, please indicate this with your abstract and aim to have the paper in a suitable form for publication as well as oral delivery by the time of the conference.  Thanks!

The Australian History Association theme is ‘From Boom to Bust.’ AVSA members may offer papers on either theme, or neither, but all paper-givers must be financial members of either AVSA or AHA.  Registration details available early in 2016, and venues will be in Ballarat CBD.

Please note that this joint conference is being organised by the Collaborative Research Centre for Australian History at Federation University, with Dr Jolanta Nowak as Administrative Officer.  General enquiries to:  aha2016@federation.edu.au please.