Tuesday, 11 November 2014

CFP: Special Issue of Victorian Poetry (Spring 2017) on Augusta Webster

CFP: Special Issue of Victorian Poetry (Spring 2017) on Augusta Webster
Guest Editor: Patricia Rigg
Please consider submitting an essay for a special edition of Victorian Poetry devoted to Augusta Webster. Writing prolifically across genres, Webster produced dramatic and lyric poetry, verse drama, long and short fiction, and translations of Aeschylus and Euripides.  She contributed incisive essays on a variety of literary, political, social, and cultural topics to the Examiner and served as one of the main poetry reviewers for the Athenaeum.  She was a member of the first London Suffrage Society, and she was twice elected to the London School Board.
Essays concerned with any aspect of Webster’s work, with Webster in relation to her contemporaries, or with Webster in the context of Victorian culture, politics, and society are welcome.
Please submit essays to patricia.rigg@acadiau.ca by 15 January 2016 for publication in Victorian Poetry (Spring 2017).  Early expressions of interest and proposals of topics are welcome as well.  Essay submissions should follow the conventions of Victorian Poetry and be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style 15th Edition.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Call for Papers: 'Victorians in the World', NAVSA 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii (deadline 1/12/14)

Call for Papers: Victorians in the World
2015 North American Victorian Studies Association Annual Conference
July 9-12, 2015
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

NAVSA was established in 2002 to provide a continental forum for discussion of critical issues in the Victorian period, and to encourage a wide variety of critical and disciplinary approaches to the study of the field.  NAVSA sponsors an annual conference to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of research in Victorian studies.  Earlier conferences have been held in Pasadena, CA, Venice, IT, and Madison, WI.

Plenary speakers include Vanessa Smith of the University of Sydney, and Jonathan Osorio of the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

The organizing committee for the 2015 NAVSA Annual Conference invites proposals for papers, panels, and special sessions on the subject of Victorians in the World.  Conference threads might include (but are certainly not limited to):

Victorian Travel Writing
Britain and America: the Special Relationship
South Asians in England
The Grotesque: Exquisite Bodies on Display
“Going Native”: Victorians in the Caribbean
Victorian Worldviews
The Scottish Diaspora
Absent-Minded Imperialists
The foreign correspondents
The Victorians and the World’s Fairs
Architectural Imperialism
French maids and English nannies
Ibsen and the London theatre
The world in the Victorian school
Oceania in the Victorian Imagination
Marketing Scotland to the World
Dickens around the world

Deadline for paper and panel proposals is December 1, 2014; proposals for individual papers consist of a one-page (250-500 word) summary of the paper plus a one-page abbreviated cv.  For panels, a paragraph describing the panel, plus a one page summary for each paper and a one page abbreviated cv for each participant is required. 

Proposals should be sent to Stephen Hancock, Conference Chair, hancocks@byuh.edu

Sunday, 24 August 2014

New Resource: Popular History in Victorian Magazines Database (PHVM)

Periodicals were an essential part of, and reflected all aspects of Victorian culture, including the Victorians'
interest in the past. The Popular History in Victorian Magazines Database (PHVM) derives from a project on popularpresentations of history in Victorian magazines:

"Histories for the Many: Historical Lifeworlds in Victorian Family, Women's and Children's Periodicals" – "Geschichte(n) für viele: Historische Lebenswelten in Familien-, Frauen- und Kinderzeitschriften des viktorianischen England" (KO 1195/15-1) in the context of the Research Group DFG FOR 875 "History in Popular Cultures of Knowledge" – "Historische Lebenswelten in populären Wissenskulturen derGegenwart".

The database presents results from a content analysis of five Victorian magazines from different sectors of the periodicals market – All the Year Round, The Leisure Hour, The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, The Ladies' Treasury, and The Boy's Own Magazine – for the years 1860, 1865 and 1870. It makes visible some of their common trends and significant differences. It thus indicates that mid-Victorian popular historical culture was marked by both mainstream interests and significant internal

Korte, Barbara and Doris Lechner. Popular History in Victorian Magazines Database. University Library at University of Freiburg, 2014.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Call for Papers: AVSA 2015, Auckland, 'The Victorians and Memory' (Deadline 6 Oct 2014)

‘The Victorians and Memory’
Australasian Victorian Studies Association Annual Conference
3 – 5 February, 2015
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

The keynote speaker will be Dr Robert Douglas-Fairhurst of Magdalen College, Oxford, whose recent publications include Becoming Dickens (Harvard UP, 2011) and Tennyson Among the Poets (ed., OUP, 2009).

From Tennyson’s ‘In Memoriam A.H.H’ to Freud’s theory of repressed memory, the discourse of memory abounds in the literature and culture of the Victorian period. Meanwhile the cultural legacy of the era has been remembered in very different ways. In 1918 Ezra Pound claimed that ‘the odour of Victoriana is so unpleasant ... that we are content to leave the past where we find it’ - but in the contemporary world, the memory of the period has been re-energised and continues to capture our imagination.

Offers of 20-minute papers related to the conference theme are invited from scholars in any discipline. Topics covered may include, but are not restricted to:
•       Post-Victorian memories of the Victorians - in literature, art, architecture, history, and on screen
•       Victorians’ memories of earlier periods – in their literature, art, architecture, history
•       Memory in biography and autobiography
•       Memory and forgetting
•       The political deployment of memory
•       The poetry of memory and memorialisation
•       Memory and colonialism / post-colonialism
•       Memories of war
•       Neo-Victorian fiction and memory
•       The anxiety of influence

Abstracts of up to 300 words should be sent to AVSA2015@auckland.ac.nz  by Monday 6 October.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

CfP: The 'Exotic' Body in 19th-Century British Drama, Oxford (Deadline extended: 15 June 2014)

The ‘Exotic’ Body in 19th-century British Drama

University of Oxford
Funded under the 2011 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships scheme, European Commission

25-26 September 2014
Faculty of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford

Convenor: Dr Tiziana Morosetti (Oxford)
Confirmed speakers:
Professor Ross Forman (Warwick), Dr Peter Yeandle (Manchester),
Dr Hazel Waters (Institute of Race Relations, London)

Increasing attention has been paid in recent years to the representation of the Other on the 19th-century British stage, with key studies such as Acts of Supremacy: The British Empire and the Stage, 1790-1930 (Bratton et al. 1991), The Orient on the Victorian Stage (Ziter 2003), Bodies in Dissent: Spectacular Performances of Race and Freedom, 1850-1910 (Brooks 2006), Racism on the Victorian Stage: Representation of Slavery and the Black Character (Waters 2007), Nineteenth-Century Theatre and the Imperial Encounter (Gould 2011), China and the Victorian Imagination: Empires Entwined (Forman 2013). Building on these, the conference aims at exploring the concept, politics, and aesthetic features of the ‘exotic’ body on stage, be it the actual body of the actor/actress as s/he performs in genres such as the ‘Oriental’ extravaganza, or the fictional, ‘picturesque’ bodies they bring on stage. A term that in itself needs interrogation, the ‘exotic’ will therefore be discussed addressing the visual features that characterize the construction and representation of the Other in 19th-century British drama, as well as the material conditions, and techniques that accompany the ‘exotic’ on stage on the cultural and political background of imperial Britain.

One of the dissemination activities for the two-year project ‘The Representation of the “Exotic” Body in 19th-century English Drama’ (REBED), funded under the 2011 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships scheme, the conference also hopes to function as a site for discussing the state of the art on the ‘exotic’ in the theatrical cultures of both Romantic and Victorian Britain; contributions on ongoing research and/or recently completed projects are therefore particularly encouraged.
Although attention will be paid mostly to the non-European Other, papers addressing a European ‘exotic’ are also welcome.

Topics include the following:

Definitions of ‘exotic’:
-Is the non-European Other on stage really ‘exotic’?
-Are any genres more ‘exotic’ (or more liable to convey ‘exotic’ stereotypes) than others?
-Do different dramatis personæ and/or settings convey different degrees of ‘otherness’?
-Can the British on stage be ‘exotic’, and, if so, to what extent?
-Is the spectacular on stage itself ‘exotic’?

Staging the ‘exotic’ body:
-How are costumes, make-up, scenery, movements employed to construct the ‘exotic’?
-Are any visual features more recurrent than others?
-To what extent is the visual representation of the ‘exotic’ body historically accurate?
-How does music contribute to the staging of the Other?
-Who embodies the ‘exotic’? Is the acting career informed by bringing the Other on stage?
-Who were the audiences? Did their composition have an impact on the performance of the ‘exotic’?
-Are any experiences abroad relevant to how managers staged the Other in Britain?
-In what ways were representations of the ‘exotic’ body informed by venues?
-The Other on the London stage and the provinces

Cultural and political backgrounds:
-To what extent did audiences’ expectations affect theatrical representations of the Other?
-In what ways do class, gender, race inform the acting and managing of ‘exotic’ pieces?
-To what extent did scientific and anthropological accounts inform theatrical portraits of the Other?
-Were illustrations of (European and/or) non-European countries informed by theatre?
-In what ways have political narratives influenced (or been influenced by) the ‘exotic’ on stage?
-Has the legal frame for the theatre influenced the staging of the Other?
-Visual points of contact between popular entertainment and theatrical representations of the Other

The travelling ‘exotic’:
-How do texts such as Arabian Nights, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, or Mazeppa ‘travel’ between dramatic and non-dramatic genres?
-Survival of a Romantic ‘exotic’ in the Victorian staging of the Other;
-Is Othello on the Romantic and Victorian stage ‘exotic’?
-How do translations/adaptations from other languages contribute to the construction of the Other on the British stage? Can we define a British specificity when it comes to the ‘exotic’?
-Has the theatrical representation of the ‘exotic’ in Britain had an impact on non-British stages?

The legacy of 19th-century ‘exotic’ body:
-Contemporary plays/performances addressing the Other on the 19th-century British stage (e.g. Lolita Chakrabarti’s Red Velvet)
-The ‘exotic’ body on the British stage in a diachronic perspective
-The non-European Other in the 20th- and 21st-century Christmas pantomime

Abstracts of no more than 300 words and a short bio should be sent to rebedconference@gmail.com by 15 June 2014. Speakers whose abstracts have been accepted will be notified by 25 June. 

Sunday, 19 January 2014

CfP: Print Culture and Gender in the British Empire, Warwick (Closes 21 Feb. 2014)

Print Culture and Gender in the British Empire
5 June 2014, University of Warwick
Keynote speakers:
Tanya Agathocleous (Hunter College, USA)
Priti Joshi (University of Puget Sound, USA)
The nineteenth century saw a proliferation of print culture not just in Britain but also across the Empire and beyond. This conference recognizes a significant shift in nineteenth-century studies towards print culture as an important form of Anglophone responses to various aspects of imperialism and globalization, including the renegotiation of gender relations in imperial and extra-imperial locations. While it has been argued that the colonies and the wider Anglophone world formed a large market (with India being the largest single market) for British publishers, the relationship between imported British periodicals and emerging global print media is still underexamined. The reprinting of materials from metropolitan British newspapers and periodicals offers key insights into how ‘news’ travelled and re-circulated at local and regional levels. Moreover, the British press during this period obsessively returned to colonial subjects, often featuring scenes of colonial life and sketches of particular ‘types’ of imperial subjects.
In this conference, we are keen to open up a space for counter-narratives to such representations, by showing Britain and evolving gender conceptions, such as separate spheres for men and women, through a different perspective. Imperial periodicals emerged as a new medium for expressing the social and political role of colonial peoples and their investment in bourgeois subjectivities in a widening public sphere. They also provided a platform where new Anglophone elites and expatriate Britons could write about their lives and experiences in a multiplicity of ways – in articles, fiction, poetry, and letters. We are especially interested in the role of periodicals in shaping and disseminating literature (fiction, poetry, drama, and travel narratives) so as to broaden our field’s understanding of the global in the long nineteenth century and of the place of women and sexuality within a “Greater Britain” structure.
We invite papers on:
-  Gender and the colonial press
-  The woman’s magazine in the non-metropolitan environment
-  Colonial and extra-colonial responses to the British press
-  The British and American press in the wider world
-  Feminist and nationalist movements
-  Colonial politics and law
-  English literacy and sub-literacy in the Anglophone press
-  The circulation and dissemination of the British and English-language press inside/outside of Britain and the ‘settler’ colonies
-  Print technology and graphic design
-  The depiction of same-sex and ‘non-normative’ sexualities in the colonial and extra-colonial press
Please send an abstract of up to 500 words and a brief biographical note (100-150 words) to:
Dr Tara Puri (T.Puri@warwick.ac.uk) OR Dr Ross G. Forman (R.G.Forman@warwick.ac.uk)
Deadline for Abstracts:  21 February 2014.  Decisions will be announced in early March 2014.